Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Travels in Denmark: Katie Addison

Hello Wibbers all the way from København!  I hope all is going well in Bloomington!  I know you are all probably so excited that the warmer spring weather is finally here.

I have now been in Copenhagen, Denmark for a little over three months and I have to say, I absolutely love it. Never did I think I’d visit Denmark let alone call it home. The city is gorgeous, the classes are interesting, and the pastries are dangerously good. 

The classes here are all very fascinating.  Each professor has their own way of doing things and their own way of connecting the course material with the Danish culture.  I have learned so much about Denmark’s history, values, and current outlooks.  Two weeks ago I finished my midterms and was rewarded with a weeklong break for traveling.   During my time in Europe, I have been lucky enough to visit Croatia, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Berlin, Luxembourg, and still have some trips coming up.  All of these places have been absolutely spectacular, eye opening, and really old.   Every time I visit somewhere new, I am constantly shocked by the amount of history present.  I recently saw a fortress that was built in 963.  The fact that there was no number 1 before the 963 was hard to wrap my mind around.

Thankfully, the weather here has gradually been getting warmer, which means Tivoli and the gardens will soon be opening!  I have heard that Copenhagen in the spring is beautiful and unlike anything else.  Just in the recent days, when the sun has been out, I have seen more Danes out and about then in all of January, February, and March combined.  I swear the population has either instantly tripled, or the Danes are finally coming out of hibernation.  I have just about a month left, and I have a lot to see and do during that time.  Europe has been an amazing home to me.  I am not even close to being ready to leave!

I miss you all!

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