Wednesday, February 13, 2013

WIB Conference 2013: Andrea Dowding

Andrea Dowding from Thirty-One Gifts began Conference 2013 inspirationally. Her advice on leading inTENtionally inspired my own state of mind throughout the rest of the day. Moreover, Mrs. Dowding reminded us all of some humbling truths that will help us excel as we begin our careers: Women interact differently than men, not better or worse, just differently. They rely on stories, compassion, and connection to inspire themselves to excel. Mrs. Dowding emphasized that the only way to succeed is by recognizing how to thrive. Her ways to live inTENtionally include:

1. Know what you’ve got
2. Decide how you’re showing up
3. Walk with intention
4. Be curious
5. Be courageous
6. Share your stories
7. Find a sponsor/Be a sponsor
8. Redefine power
9. Build your community
10. Promote parity in our collective community

Above all else, Mrs. Dowding emphasized how important being yourself is. Although the phrase is used frequently, Mrs. Dowding’s thoughts on leading inTENtionally refreshed its meaning. Knowing who you are, where you're going, and how you will act along the way makes all the difference. Women in Business would like to thank Mrs. Dowding and Thirty-One Gifts for their participation in WIB Conference 2013!

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