Monday, October 22, 2012

JB5K Color Me Run!

This past weekend, Women in Business members had the fun opportunity of forming a group to run/walk the IU Recreational Sports JB5K Color Me Run. The JB5k Color Me Run was created by IU Recreational Sports in memory of Jill Behrman, a former RS student and employee, and all proceeds benefitted the Jill Behrman Emerging Leader Scholarship, which funds assault awareness and self-defense workshops. 

In anticipation for the run the night before, there was a pasta and tutu0making party. We had a great time and had a great turn out making fun and quirky accessories to run in. 

The color run is unique because race participants wear all-white at the start of the race, then at two different stations throughout the 5K volunteers throw colored corn starch at the runners. By the end of the race, every participant was covered in colorful powder and all agreed that they had a blast at the post-race event. WIB freshman Aly Rumel says, "It was really great raising money, exercising, and having fun for a cause." With blasting music, a dance crew, and more colorful powder, the race was definitely a day to remember! 

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